Thursday, October 11, 2007

assignment #5

1st opening:
Dean was going home from school, when he got a bad feeling that something was wrong. He started running and his heart was beating hard. the minute he turned down his street and saw that there was a black SUV parked in his driveway, he slowed down and walked slowly to his house. when he reached the living window he crouched down and looked through the window.....

2nd pening:
Dean cruised through the dark alleys and was looking out for trouble when he heard a scream. He started running through the building to the direction the sound came from. when he turned to an alley opening he saw.......

3rd opening:
Everyone thought he was an ordinary man. he lived just like anyone else. But Dean was far from being ordinary. at thirty-three he owned his own business and was his own boss. During the day he ran his company and at night he was a different person altogether, while people slept he was roaming the streets.......

4th opening:
Dean wanted to know who he killed his family. He set out looking for the killers, when he came across a woman who was bound to change his life forever........

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