Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Pursuit of Happiness

Happiness to me is a tpye of pleasure and satisfaction. when you are feeling joy or satisfied with something then you are happy. I most happy when iam celebrating EID, wedo all this get togethers with everyone from my family and all my relatives. we celebrate and have fun after, its really great. I get to see all my cousins who i don't see everyday, its awesome.
My mom is mostly where my source of happiness comes from. she is very understanding and really cares about me and my siblings, she givesme alot off lee way, she doesn't lose her temper often and she always treats me like a grown up even when i was a kid. me and my mom always understand each other and i like her alot. I impact happiness in my friends and my parents. my parents because they tell me a good kid, calm, mellow not short tempered or anything. my friends because i understand them and iam a very good listener. I think family is the greatest need in life, they support you and they are always 100% behind you no matter what you do. I know some people take that for granted but others don't even have families or anyone but themselves in the world.


natalie said...

Hey Muna! I really like yoru ideas of happiness! They are really similar to what I think too! :) What is EID?

macendz said...

Hey Muna! i really liked your idea of happiness, it is so true. I think its great that you enjoy being with your family so much, i am that way as well around the holidays. Family is so important in life, and i'm happy you have such a great one to share all your successes with and help yyou when your not so successful. Great blog! Keep it up!

Digial Thoughts said...

yeah gurl EID is my fav of the year too being around your family and hanging out celebrating it cool. i like your idea too about happiness i was thinking of writing EID too but you know it doesn't have to be a holiday to hang out with your family does it!!!!!!! fab job gurl